Have we soon forgotten that God will judge the adulterers in the end time? If the answer is no: why is it that there is an alarming rate of adultery in this modern time despite the dangers ahead? If you are not aware of this fact, just read the text below to avail yourself with that information.
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” HEB. 13:4

Despite this warning quotation above, some people are playing with an act of adultery that can send them to condemnation. Apart from this very text there are many more scriptures in the bible that show that adulterers shall not escape God’s terrible condemnation. It is even a notable fact that adultery is mostly counted among the various sins that are punishable by hell fire. But it seems to me most strange that many are not aware of some of the things that really constitute ADULTERY in this Christian era. As such this ignorant people are endangering their lives with some of these acts that amount to adultery.

Recently there are a lot of people advocating that polygamy is not SIN in the sight of God in this end time age of Christianity. Most of these preachers or advocates of polygamous right argue that since the Old Testament did not condemn polygamy, none of the polygamous marriages would stand accused in this end time too. But for one to believe it or either disprove of this notion, is not all that easy. Rather it takes the holy spirit of God to discern the scriptural truth in order to tell the world the real truth of the matter in hand.

First of all I would like to entreat you to put your old notion or the knowledge you already have about this issue aside and consider my thoughts for comparison. I hope by this it will enable you to get the real understanding as per the Holy Spirit directions or teachings. This is because it is not every doctrine or teaching that is backed by divine inspiration or power. Most of the doctrines today are devilish, thus we are warned that many evil spirits would be out with false teachings to mislead masses to destruction.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1JN. 4:1

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” 1TIM. 4:1

These two texts above sound a note of warning to all believers to be careful about what they hear and practice.




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