In recent times all those who claim to be Christians think everything the people of God should do is new to the extent that whatever scripture of truth is contained in the Old Testament is now meaningless and must not be adhered to. As such many things found to be profitable for our salvation in the Old Testament have been relegated to the background thus paving way for many ungodly things in Christendom today. For instance, God's Holy Festivals are not even known to many salvation-seekers of today. In fact what are commonly known to Christians today as festivals are all based on fallacies. They have no biblical backing. Though some of these festivals are tagged with Christ's birth and death and many other things in Christendom, it is rather unfortunate that they are not divine. Consider Christmas, Easter, Lent, Valentine's day and others which are observed by Christians of today, you cannot find any God's support for these festivals. If that be case, does it mean God has no festivals at all for His children? No, He has some divinely planned for His dear children. These feasts of God are real and are outlined both in the Old and the New Testaments. But it is rather unfortunate that most Christians are ignorant about them.
This really poses a lot of threats to people who know the truth about the Holy Feasts of God and thus try to observe them in their due time. They are even sometimes condemned for such obedience to those ordinances of God Most High. Hence the pain taken to show or demonstrate our bold attempt to expose to the world at large what ought to be done regarding these feasts in order to obtain salvation. So you are being exhorted to take your time to go through any information you find here on this subject matter.