From the above scripture, you see that the drama continues to unfold as far as the end is yet to come. Look at the expression in block letters which says that the beast which some time lived, is somehow not in existence, though it is believed to be resurrected or is still alive and will continue to live till he meets his doom. Don't doubt this because earlier on I explained above that the beast of Revelation chapters 13 and 17 with seven heads and ten horns are the same.
Since prophecy must be fulfilled in human beings, I want you to know that there is something meaningful from the horses own mouth: I mean, the Europeans themselves which thoroughly unveils much of the secrets of what has been planned in the European political orbit with this same number 666, which God has forewarned mankind to avoid.
According to this Masterpiece authored by Michel Smiely, on 14th July, 1989, the European Union or the European Common Market which was recently formed in 1992 should be known as the NEW ROMAN EMPIRE OF THE WEST. Here is an excerpt of their writings:
"The European Common Market represents, is and constitutes a political, economic and military power, without precedent in the world. Therefore, as it is a power in all aspects, therefore, it is necessary to define said power. As of 1992, all countries of the European Common Market should be called The New Roman Empire of The West". Please note the word 'NEW' among the name for the resurrected Roman Empire, which is about to take this world to an end. The word NEW matching the old name Roman Empire presupposes that it has been in existence before or once existed, making the prophecy in REV. 17:8 a genuine one. REV. 1:1-3; 22:6.GO TO THE NEXT PAGE