It is because of this danger ahead of humankind that God warned us to run away from this Son of Satan who is also described in one of the epistles of St. John as the ANTICHRIST; in the passage below, that he shall appear in the last days.


"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that ANTICHRIST shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time", 1 JN.2:18


Even this other name Antichrist also suggests that he should have a church but with doctrines that oppose the good doctrines of Christ. Just read again verses 3 and 7 of 2 Thessalonians 2 and consider some phrases like 'Falling Away', 'Man Of Sin', and 'Mystery Of Iniquity', and understand that many people should lose their faith in the good doctrines of Christ, (1 TIMOTHY 4:1- 2; and  2 TIM. 4:3-4) and follow after the Man Of Sin who is deeply rooted in Unrighteousness or Lawlessness, and work Iniquity to their own damnation in this last days.


Now that we know that the holy bible was not silent over the issue of coming into being of Falsehood through antichrist's teachings, we need to know the particular church which started this first ever and greatest apostasy in Christendom since the apostolic age. By the grace of God it is evidently clear in the Bible that Paul had the mandate from Christ himself to go and strengthen and also establish churches in Rome, the Imperial city of the then Roman Empire; which he did whilst he was even in chains. Just consider this text below:


"And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome". ACTS 23:11.


In those days during his trial, Paul sought that he be taken to Rome, Italy to face Caesar himself and it was granted him: And that really sent him to Rome tostrengthen the Lord's church there, at least part of  which later became the Roman Catholic Church through their false indoctrination which also spread to the whole world ACTS 25:9-12; 26:30-32;  27:1;  28:16). Hence Paul's epistle to the Romans who accepted God's true doctrines. ROM .l:1-7.

There really was a true Christian church in Rome before Paul arrived but due to persecution it split, one branch of which began an apostate church and became the Catholic Church. (ACTS 28:11-24,30,31)

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