Let us now consider another important point in Revelation 13.
First, according to the 3rd, 4th and 8th verses, as well as the 16th verse almost everybody living on earth at that time shall worship the beast and accept his mark in their right hand or in their foreheads: One will ask, how could this be possible? There are more answers to this particular question. The first is that the hardships that people will go through during the use of this mark of the beast (the business code 666) shall compel masses to accept the mark with ease. You see no one wants to live in abject poverty or even go hungry.

Secondly, the cruelty of that regime will force many people to accept the mark just for the fear of death. Kindly read REV.13:15 as outlined already in this study and match it with the 7th article of the Nairobi conference's 16 Articles and understand that death penalty awaits everyone who may oppose the forthcoming regime of the Antichrist. Though the masterpiece written by Michel Smiely[4] states otherwise that they are not going to persecute nor reprimand anybody, the bible should be our only guide as far as this matter is concerned. It is just mere propaganda to deceive masses through their subtilty. For instance, Pope Benedict XVI has been going round advocating for peace everywhere just like his predecessor, the late Pope John Paul II, yet this may actually be a trick to deceive masses to forget about their history of cruelty I have already explained in this subject. He (Pope Benedict) has forgotten of the fact that some time ago his predecessor made some remarks to the extent that, even Catholics who violate the Sunday worshipping law, should be punished as heretics. This was contained in a certain news magazine called THE DETROIT NEWS on Tuesday, July 7, 1998 under the banner headline, 'POPE'S CALL FOR WORSHIP WELCOMED'. Here are some of the excerpts from that news item: "Pope John Paul II is issuing a stern warning to Catholics that they should set aside
Sunday for worship." This really is an extraordinary Move " This appears to be the strongest words the Pope has issued, Period. "
"In obedience to the third commandment, Sunday must be sanctified, above all by Participation In Holy Mass."
"In his letter, the Pope goes on to say A Violator Should Be Punished As A Heretic. "

Considering other bible quotations about this forthcoming beast power, Daniel has this to say in connection with the craftiness or wise manner the beast (king) will use to deceive masses into destruction:

(24) "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. (25) And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." DAN.8:24-25
This also ultimately proves the Lord right that, almost the whole world population shall worship the beast and accept his damnable mark. Hence, this being the third reason to support this explanation of many people accepting the mark of the beast. So watch out!

Another last but not the least reason is that, the number of projects being carried out now all over the world by the European Union (EU) funds is a true reflection of their desire to rule the world in no time. Such micro projects shall later convince the beneficiaries and even the whole world that, they are the right people who care: And for that matter it will be easier for them to get the nod from the masses that are already enjoying the 'so called paradise' promised by the EU to be at the reach of all mankind. Is this point also OK? I know you really side with me in this regard since everybody on earth wishes to live in true happiness and peace. That is why the bible says by the time we will proclaim peaceful living, it is that same time destruction will come upon us unaware. 1 THESS. 5:3 So obviously, when the time comes, The Antichrist and his collaborators, the TEN heads of states (the ten crowned horns) from the European Union Member Countries shall definitely rule the world[5] to the astonishment of many as predicted in the book of Revelation. REV.17:l2; 13:4

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